New report shows the impact of recent changes in unit selling prices
What will be the impact of changes in unit selling prices be on future sales? Which item had a price increase, and which had a price decrease? Which customers were impacted the most by these price changes? Which salespersons have implemented prices increases and which are reducing prices to their customers? These questions and more are answered by the new Unit Price Changes report, which compares the pricing on all items sold in the current month-to-date, against the pricing in the prior month to identify items having had recent price changes. This report identifies the average price increase or decrease percentage, to identify items with the largest price change. In addition, the annual impact of these price changes on sales and margins is computed by multiplying the net change in unit price by the annual units sold in the prior rolling 12 months. Those unit price changes most impactful are readily highlighted. Use this report to monitor the day-to-day price decisions of your management team or to stay abreast of the impact that such changes may have on your bottom line.